Transport emergency cards (Trec) are A4 documents that explain the hazards and emergency response procedures for hazardous chemicals. The Trec is intended for use by the driver of the vehicle in the case of an accident or spill until the emergency services reach the scene. Trec cards should have 2 red lines on the sides of the page and should be kept in the designated space (orange document holder) inside the vehicle.
Trek Card (pty) Ltd produces Transport Emergency Cards in accordance with SANS 10232-4:2018 as published March 2018.
Required info for Trec cards:
Company name
Emergency Telephone numbers
How many vehicles are transporting this product/s
UN numbers of the products – found in section 14 of the SDS
Packing group – found in section 14 of the SDS
Trade name of the product (if any)
Appearance of the product – found in section 9 of the SDS