Trek Card (Pty) Ltd


Hazchem placards are signboards which are fitted to vehicles transporting dangerous goods. The placard should clearly indicate the product transported by means of a UN number of MIXED LOAD where more than one product from different classes are transported. By law, there should be no placard on an empty vehicle. By law, the placard should be clearly visible from the road side and the 10 mm black border should be visible. By law, each vehicle should have 3 placards (6 in the case of a super-link). One on each side and one at the back.

Required info for placards:

  • Size of the vehicle (GVM)
  • What material should the placards be printed on – ABS, Cromadek, Magnetic or vinyl
  • Products that are being transported
  • How many vehicles
  • Emergency telephone numbers that should be printed on the placards (Operator advice and specialist advice)
  • Operator – is the person responsible for the vehicle
  • Specialist – is the person responsible for the product / person who can give advice about the product on the vehicle / spill response contractors.

Reduced sized placards

Reduced size Hazchem Placards are used on vehicles with gross vehicle mass less than 3500kg’s. We manufacture placards in 4 types of materials:
(350 x 200 mm) Vinyl Sticker – typically used on tankers or once off loads. These are stuck directly onto the vehicle. (350 X 200 mm) Magnetic – These are stuck directly onto the vehicle. (390 x 225 mm) ABS Plastic / Chromadek (steel) – typically used on vehicles where the load changes daily. These are not fitted directly to the truck, but are slid into a steel frame which is fitted to the truck – this allows the driver to remove the placard when the truck is empty. These signs are manufactured 50mm larger than the vinyl so that the black border is still visible when slid into the steel frame

Standard sized placards

We manufacture placards in 4 types of materials:
(700 x 400 mm) Vinyl Sticker – typically used on tankers or once off loads. These are stuck directly onto the vehicle. (750 x 450 mm) ABS Plastic / Chromadek (steel) – typically used on vehicles where the load changes daily. These are not fitted directly to the truck, but are slided into a steel frame which is fitted to the truck – this allows the driver to remove the placard when the truck is empty. These signs are manufactured 50mm larger than the vinyl so that the black border is still visible when slided into the steel frame. These placards are used on vehicles with a gross vehicle mass more than 3500kg’s.